Monday, January 24, 2011

Tiffany's 14mm Bead Bracelet

my mother and i have been fighting this weight loss battle for most, if not all, of our lives.  the first time i healthily lost substantial weight was with my mother's suggestion for me to join weight watchers. we really inspired one another.  we would call each other when we were having a bad day.  we would get excited about the other's weight loss and that would light the fire within ourselves to stay on track.  while we were 2500 miles apart, it was like we were going to meetings together.

since i have been off of the weight watchers journey, my mother has stated to me that she needs her buddy back.  she has maintained keeping most of her weight off, but hasn't gotten down to her goal weight.  a while back we made tried to make a motivational bet.  we were each to lose "x" amount of pounds and if one didn't they owe'd the other person $50.  well, the time period came and went, and neither of us lost the amount we were supposed to, and we called it a wash since we each owed the other $50 bucks.  that bet was supposed to start a longer journey towards something that each of us have been eying for quite some time... the 14 mm silver bead bracelet from Tiffany's.  we each have the 10 mm and got it before the 14 mm existed.  but, the 14 mm bracelet is something else.  not an everyday piece, but a stunning piece of perfection! 

a few days ago i was talking to my mom and suggested we do something to really motivate each other.  clearly the lose x amount by x date didn't work.  this time i suggested that when i lose so much and my mom loses so much, we buy the other person the bracelet.  my mom has about 50 pounds she would like to lose to get close to goal and mine is 100.  I still wont be at my goal weight then, but i definitely will be way more comfortable in my own skin.  my mother asked me if it was going to be based on who lost it first and i told her that i didn't think that was fair.  first of all, i have way more to lose, but secondly, she is older and will lose it at a different pace than i will.  also, hers may be harder to lose because she is closer to her goal than i am.  the last 20 pounds is always the hardest to lose!  

so the guidelines are this:
when mom loses 50 pounds, i buy her the bracelet
when i lose 100 pounds, mom buys me the bracelet

the bracelet will not only serve as an awesome piece of jewelery, but it will serve as an anchor.  an anchor to reflect on the accomplishments we have made.  an anchor that reflects where we don't want to return.  and most of all, an anchor that reflects this journey we have endured side by side.  

i couldn't ask for a more awesome best friend.  so this blog is to you mom!  good luck on your journey.  i cant wait to ride the wave with you!  it isn't going to be fun!  and most days it isn't going to seem worth it.  and when the gravy calls your name, you call me because together, we can do this!!!!!! 

i can picture it now, that sparkling piece of perfection on my wrist... and i cant wait to buy you yours!!!

this week's weight loss: -3.6
total weight loss: -9.4

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