Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Required for Success: A Great Support System

I have learned throughout my life that what matters most is a great support system.  No matter what the task, it is always easier when you have people around you that love and support you.  I have been sick for nearly a week and when I don't feel well, I turn to comfort.  Comfort in the form of resting, sweatpants, cuddling with my cat, and most of all... FOOD!  I had been doing so well on weight watchers and tracking my points over the past few weeks.  I am down more than 11 pounds (well before getting sick at least).  

I lost momentum this past week when I got so sick.  If I had an appetite, I wanted to eat what I wanted to eat and what sounded good.  Not necessarily what was best for me.  And not necessarily what was best to fight the virus that I have been fighting.  Also, I had stopped tracking.  While I could have fallen completely off the edge, I have not.  However, I have definitely slipped.  

I was starting to feel totally discouraged this morning while drinking my Starbucks Grande Java Chip Frappaccino with Carmel Swirl (afraid to even calculate the point value on it) when I got a text message from Colleen expressing her craving of an In-and-Out burger.  (so, I'm not alone, I thought!)  I responded that I was "putts control".  Fucking auto correct... I was outta control.  Her first response was, "putts control?  we can go to an emergency meeting tonight to get you back on track".  Of course I laughed that she made fun of me... because let's face it, it is easy to do and always a good time! ;)  At first I wanted to make up an excuse as to why I couldn't go, but then I realized that this is what I needed and what a selfless person for her to suggest going to a random mid-week meeting to get me back on track when I am sure she has other things to do.  

It is people like Colleen that are going to help me get through this journey.  It is going to be a long road and this isn't going to be the first or last time I slip and fall.  However, I need to stick with it.  As Colleen stated, based on the BMI that we calculated on her crappy Iphone... I need to get my BMI down because statistics show that if I don't, my life span decreases by an additional 8 years.  And lets face it, Colleen needs me around to make fun of!  And I want to be here to be on the receiving end of it! ;)

So today, like all other days, I am so thankful for the support system around me.  Thank you for being on my side.  Thank you for being so encouraging.  Thank you for going out of your way for me.  Thank you for caring enough and expressing it.  And mostly, thank you for not judging me.  

If it weren't for the "Colleens" in life, I don't know where I'd be!

Thanks again, Colleen!  You inspire me daily!!!

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