Monday, March 21, 2011

Do You Have Enough 'Me' Time? Results: Time Out!

So, I "liked" a whole bunch of crap on facebook last week and I forgot that all the things you "like" can post things on your wall unless you opt out once you see their posts.  So, I totally forgot this and when I hacked into facebook from trabajo (yes, sly incognito Spanish words will cover my @$$), I saw a posting from Weight Watchers.  It was a quiz regarding if you make enough "me" time.  I kind of laughed as I touched base on something similar fairly recently on my blog.  So, I took myself some "me" time and answered their 8 questions and much to my surprise (NOT), here were my results:

"Short on time, long on work, everyone you know seems to need a piece of you — no wonder you often feel drained and exhausted by the end of the day. You're so busy you may not even realize your battery is running on low. You definitely deserve some serious time out. But your old nemesis "guilt" keeps you taking on more than you can manage. Let go of that useless emotion! Learn to say "no" and then schedule in "Me Time." Try meditating, journaling, walking, soaking in a sudsy tub. Whatever helps you relax, take it to the max!"

While the quiz was accurate and stated the obvious, I loved how they attempted to resolve the problem by providing the insightful suggestion: "Learn to say 'no' and then schedule in 'Me Time.'"  If it were only that easy, none of us would be rundown.  While I believe the quiz was meant to be useful and eye opening, I have a sneaky suspicion that most people who took the quiz knew what their results would be before starting.  Furthermore, if they knew simply how to say "no" and schedule more "me time" that they wouldn't even need a silly quiz to inform them of the obvious.

With this said, the quiz did reaffirm to me why my guest room still looks more like a moving dungeon and less like a room for guests.  Perhaps I shall just start shouting "NO" to people at work, pack up for the day, head home, and work on my guest room.  

Your thoughts?

Mine: While a lovely idea, I am doubtful it will fly around here.  Thus I sit, and work, and push off the guest room to another day knowing that if it weren't for this job that absorbs so much of my time and energy, I would not be able to afford such a room for guests that currently resembles a moving dungeon.

To future guests:  Please be patient with me! :)

-down 20.0 lbs

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